Rose Afefé: A vergonha quase me tirou a memória

18 May - 24 Aug 2024 Rio de Janeiro

The works featured in “Shame almost took my memory away” are based on clippings from the many memories Rose has of her life and childhood in the interior of Bahia. The artist, who in 2018 created the work “Terra Afefé” - a microcity built with earth in the Chapada Diamantina region - brings the poetics of this territory to life in new paintings and installations: “Afefé emerges as a process of artistic investigation into my own life, everything is mixed up and little is explained, the only thing I can share with you, with all the certainty of someone who has lived it, is that I have become unashamed. I hope that my shame will be of some use in sparking courage out there.” For those unfamiliar with Rose Afefé's practice, the artist Luiz Zerbini, who signs the exhibition's introductory text, states: “For those who don't know, she is the woman who built a city on her own”.