Caroline Valansi
Boca, da série Peles, 2021
cartazes originais de filmes pornográficos dos anos 70 e 80 e cedro
[original pornographic movie posters from the 70s and 80s and cedar]
[original pornographic movie posters from the 70s and 80s and cedar]
95 x 66 cm
[37 3/8 x 26 in]
[37 3/8 x 26 in]
Copyright O Artista
A partir de uma pesquisa sobre cartazes de filmes pornôs das décadas 1980 e 1990, a artista desarticula e rearticula questões e tabus sobre a sexualidade. Essas rearticulações se dão...
A partir de uma pesquisa sobre cartazes de filmes pornôs das décadas 1980 e 1990, a artista desarticula e rearticula questões e tabus sobre a sexualidade. Essas rearticulações se dão através de recortes e remontagens que criam brechas e fendas para enxergar através do explícito do sexo.
Based on research on porn movie posters from the 1980s and 1990s, the artist disarticulates and rearticulates questions and taboos about sexuality. These rearticulations take place through clippings and reassembly that create gaps and crevices to see through the explicitness of sex.
Based on research on porn movie posters from the 1980s and 1990s, the artist disarticulates and rearticulates questions and taboos about sexuality. These rearticulations take place through clippings and reassembly that create gaps and crevices to see through the explicitness of sex.