Paulo Paes
Couro de Cobra, 2023
acrílica sobre papel japonês de fibras naturais e alfinete entomológico
[acrylic on Japanese paper of natural fibers and entomological pin]
[acrylic on Japanese paper of natural fibers and entomological pin]
107 x 34 x 4 cm cada
107 x 70 x 4 cm díptico
[42 1/8 x 13 3/8 x 1 5/8 in each
42 1/8 x 27 1/2 x 1 5/8 in dyptich]
107 x 70 x 4 cm díptico
[42 1/8 x 13 3/8 x 1 5/8 in each
42 1/8 x 27 1/2 x 1 5/8 in dyptich]
Copyright O Artista
Uma série composta por faixas estreitas de mosaicos coloridos feitas com papel japonês de fibras naturais, muito fino, tingidos, recortados e colados entre si, formando composições geométricas que se desdobram...
Uma série composta por faixas estreitas de mosaicos coloridos feitas com papel japonês de fibras naturais, muito fino, tingidos, recortados e colados entre si, formando composições geométricas que se desdobram ou se repetem dentro desta faixa em um jogo onde todos fragmentos/cores do papel devem encontrar um lugar - não existe sobra. Tudo é complementaridade e alteridade dentro desta faixa, criando um campo de deriva para ações semi-calculadas de corte e colagem até que todos os elementos encontrem seu lugar, implicando em um corpo coeso e auto-identificado que remete aos padrões criados pelos diversos processos naturais de formação (couros de cobras, frutas, estruturas geológicas), onde a identificação formal registra o tempo, as ações as matérias e as circunstanciais que o fazem existir.
A series composed of narrow bands of colored mosaics made with Japanese paper of natural fibers, very fine, dyed, cut and glued together, forming geometric compositions that unfold or are repeated within this band in a game where all fragments / colors of the paper must find a place - there is no left over. Everything is complementarity and otherness within this range, creating a drift field for semi-calculated cutting and gluing actions until all elements find their place, implying a cohesive and self-identified body that refers to the patterns created by the various natural processes training (snake hides, fruits, geological structures), where formal identification records time, actions, materials and circumstances that make it exist.
A series composed of narrow bands of colored mosaics made with Japanese paper of natural fibers, very fine, dyed, cut and glued together, forming geometric compositions that unfold or are repeated within this band in a game where all fragments / colors of the paper must find a place - there is no left over. Everything is complementarity and otherness within this range, creating a drift field for semi-calculated cutting and gluing actions until all elements find their place, implying a cohesive and self-identified body that refers to the patterns created by the various natural processes training (snake hides, fruits, geological structures), where formal identification records time, actions, materials and circumstances that make it exist.