Marcos Cardoso
Rebolando, 2023
bambolês colados e recortados sobre madeira
[cut out of hula hoops on wood]
[cut out of hula hoops on wood]
150 x 150 cm
[59 x 59 in]
[59 x 59 in]
“Rebolando” é uma obra produzida especialmente para o Forrobodó, em celebração dos 20 anos d’A Gentil Carioca. Surgiu do meu cotidiano, pelo encontro com um jovem menino, de aproximadamente 10...
“Rebolando” é uma obra produzida especialmente para o Forrobodó, em celebração dos 20 anos d’A Gentil Carioca. Surgiu do meu cotidiano, pelo encontro com um jovem menino, de aproximadamente 10 anos, que brincava com um espirógrafo. Olhei para o desenho dele. A loja em frente vendia bambolês. Assim nasceu a semente da vida, o trabalho que executei para esta exposição. Procuro unir a vida à natureza e as formas geométricas que nela encontro.
“Rebolando” is a work produced especially for Forrobodó, in celebration of the 20th anniversary of A Gentil Carioca. It arose from my daily life, when I met a young boy, approximately 10 years old, who was playing with a spirograph. I looked at his drawing. The shop across the street sold hula hoops. Thus was born the seed of life, the work I performed for this exhibition. I try to unite life with nature and the geometric shapes that I find in it.
“Rebolando” is a work produced especially for Forrobodó, in celebration of the 20th anniversary of A Gentil Carioca. It arose from my daily life, when I met a young boy, approximately 10 years old, who was playing with a spirograph. I looked at his drawing. The shop across the street sold hula hoops. Thus was born the seed of life, the work I performed for this exhibition. I try to unite life with nature and the geometric shapes that I find in it.