Marcos Chaves
Come Into the (W)hole, 2002
instalação em vinil
[vinyl installation]
[vinyl installation]
dimensões variáveis
[variable dimensions]
[variable dimensions]
Edition of 20
Com um vocabulário fundado no humor e no acaso, Marcos Chaves retira objetos banais, cenas e paisagens cotidianas do contexto lógico, para subverter ângulos estabelecidos e provocar diferentes narrativas. Como...
Com um vocabulário fundado no humor e no acaso, Marcos Chaves retira objetos banais, cenas e paisagens cotidianas do contexto lógico, para subverter ângulos estabelecidos e provocar diferentes narrativas. Como afirma a crítica brasileira Ligia Canongia, o artista “surpreende significados e valores imersos nas coisas vulgares, dissimulados no hábito ou na convenção. Faz deslocamentos imprevisíveis e produz assemblages em tom de paródia, destilando aí a sua aguda observação sobre o mundo, da tecnologia ao lixo.”
With a vocabulary based on humor and chance, Marcos Chaves removes banal objects, everyday scenes and landscapes from their logical context, to subvert established angles and provoke different narratives. As Brazilian critic Ligia Canongia states, the artist “surprises meanings and values immersed in ordinary things, concealed in habit or convention. He makes unpredictable displacements and produces assemblages in a parody tone, distilling his acute observation about the world, from technology to garbage.”
With a vocabulary based on humor and chance, Marcos Chaves removes banal objects, everyday scenes and landscapes from their logical context, to subvert established angles and provoke different narratives. As Brazilian critic Ligia Canongia states, the artist “surprises meanings and values immersed in ordinary things, concealed in habit or convention. He makes unpredictable displacements and produces assemblages in a parody tone, distilling his acute observation about the world, from technology to garbage.”