Lourival Cuquinha
Old Revolution Glory Financial Art Project III, 2014
Pesos Cubanos e linha de algodão, moedas de 5 centavos de Real, aço e cobre
[Cuban pesos and cotton thread, 5 cent Real coins, steel and copper]
[Cuban pesos and cotton thread, 5 cent Real coins, steel and copper]
175 x 95 cm
[68 7/8 x 37 3/8 in]
[68 7/8 x 37 3/8 in]
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O trabalho de Lourival Cuquinha reflete sobre o exercício da liberdade, seja a do indivíduo perante a sociedade, seja a da arte frente às instituições. Atuando no campo político a...
O trabalho de Lourival Cuquinha reflete sobre o exercício da liberdade, seja a do indivíduo perante a sociedade, seja a da arte frente às instituições. Atuando no campo político a partir de narrativas subjetivas, sua obra multidisciplinar – que abrange as artes plásticas, o audiovisual e a intervenção – é frequentemente marcada pela interatividade com o público e o meio urbano. Suas ações provocativas buscam criar uma tensão permanente no sistema de arte à medida em que questionam procedimentos e negociam espaços de inserção. Cédulas de dinheiro, bandeiras, contratos e recibos são elementos recorrentes em muitos desses trabalhos, refletindo a estratégia de apropriar-se do sistema apenas para subvertê-lo e, ao mesmo tempo, imbuindo o aparato burocrático de infinitas possibilidades poéticas.
Lourival Cuquinha's work reflects on the exercise of freedom, whether that of the individual before society, or that of art before institutions. Acting in the political field based on subjective narratives, his multidisciplinary work – which encompasses the visual and audiovisual arts and interventions – is often marked by interactivity with the public and the urban environment. His provocative actions seek to create a permanent tension in the art system as they question procedures and negotiate insertion spaces. Banknotes, flags, contracts and receipts are recurrent elements in many of these works, reflecting the strategy of appropriating the system just to subvert it and, at the same time, imbuing the bureaucratic apparatus with infinite poetic possibilities.
Lourival Cuquinha's work reflects on the exercise of freedom, whether that of the individual before society, or that of art before institutions. Acting in the political field based on subjective narratives, his multidisciplinary work – which encompasses the visual and audiovisual arts and interventions – is often marked by interactivity with the public and the urban environment. His provocative actions seek to create a permanent tension in the art system as they question procedures and negotiate insertion spaces. Banknotes, flags, contracts and receipts are recurrent elements in many of these works, reflecting the strategy of appropriating the system just to subvert it and, at the same time, imbuing the bureaucratic apparatus with infinite poetic possibilities.