Denilson Baniwa
Yawereté pixuna, 2023
acrílica, pastel oleoso e colagem sobre tela
[acrylic, oil pastels and collage on canvas]
[acrylic, oil pastels and collage on canvas]
130 x 100 x 3.5 cm
[51 1/8 x 39 3/8 x 1 3/8 in]
4.3 kg
[51 1/8 x 39 3/8 x 1 3/8 in]
4.3 kg
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Nesta série de pinturas, Denilson Baniwa parte de uma pesquisa sobre sexualidade e poder no mundo indígena. As obras são inspiradas nas cenas eróticas retratadas nas cerâmicas Moche, advindas de...
Nesta série de pinturas, Denilson Baniwa parte de uma pesquisa sobre sexualidade e poder no mundo indígena. As obras são inspiradas nas cenas eróticas retratadas nas cerâmicas Moche, advindas de uma cultura indígena pré-Colombiana, dos vales da Amazônia Peruana, que tem em torno de seis mil anos de existência. A partir dos conhecimentos da cerâmica Karajá, Kadiwéu e Baniwa, a liberdade de gênero, sexualidade e de relacionamentos do mundo indígena é posta em questão.
In this series of paintings, Denilson Baniwa starts from research on sexuality and power in the indigenous world. The works are inspired by the erotic scenes portrayed in Moche ceramics, coming from a pre-Columbian indigenous culture, from the valleys of the Peruvian Amazon, which has around six thousand years of existence. Based on the knowledge of Karajá, Kadiwéu and Baniwa ceramics, the freedom of gender, sexuality and relationships in the indigenous world is called into question.
In this series of paintings, Denilson Baniwa starts from research on sexuality and power in the indigenous world. The works are inspired by the erotic scenes portrayed in Moche ceramics, coming from a pre-Columbian indigenous culture, from the valleys of the Peruvian Amazon, which has around six thousand years of existence. Based on the knowledge of Karajá, Kadiwéu and Baniwa ceramics, the freedom of gender, sexuality and relationships in the indigenous world is called into question.