Cyshimi, Reverse French Nails (Francesinha Reversa), 2022
instalação | unhas postiças, acrílico e tecido
[installation | fake nails, acrylic and fabric]
[installation | fake nails, acrylic and fabric]
230 x 230 cm
[90 1/2 x 90 1/2 in]
[90 1/2 x 90 1/2 in]
Copyright O Artista
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A obra gira em torno de três associações da unha no senso comum: vulgar, sujo e exagero. Tais associações são postas de forma negativa e demonstram um pré-julgamento muitas vezes...
A obra gira em torno de três associações da unha no senso comum: vulgar, sujo e exagero. Tais associações são postas de forma negativa e demonstram um pré-julgamento muitas vezes baseado em vieses de gênero, raça e classe, em que muitos defendem a ideia de uma beleza pura, limpa e padronizada. Através de uma instalação transdisciplinar, Cyshimi cria um conflito entre tais ideias pejorativas e as possibilidades de uma unha livre a partir de imagens de unhas esculturais. A artista subverte as tradicionais francesinhas com as frases “Somewhere you belong (Em algum lugar você pertence)”, “Be your teenage dream (Seja o seu sonho adolescente)” e “Reimagining the self (Reimaginando o Eu)”. O título Francesinha Reversa faz referência a mais usada técnica de francesinhas em alongamentos de unhas, ao mesmo tempo em que alude à subversão e contraposição de elementos da obra. Ao longo de sua pesquisa, as unhas representam uma nova visão de mundo, uma nova possibilidade de ser, e a partir dessa nova possibilidade, há uma ruptura de ideias hegemônicas de beleza e de estilo de vida. Suas esculturas de unha são, ao mesmo tempo, reais e surreais - são sobre corpo, identidade e sobre se reimaginar.
The piece revolves around three associations of nails in popular culture: they are either vulgar, dirty or an exaggeration. Such associations are posed negatively and demonstrate a pre-judgement often based on gender, race and class biases, where many hold the idea of a pure, clean and standardized beauty. Through a transdisciplinary installation, Cyshimi creates a conflict between such pejorative ideas and suggests new possibilities for free nails, based on images of sculptural nails. The artist subverts the traditional French nail-do with the phrases "Somewhere you belong", "Be your teenage dream" and "Reimagining the self". The title Reverse French Nails makes reference to the most used French-do technique in nail lengthening, while also alluding to the subversion and counterposition of elements in the work. Throughout her research, nails represent a new worldview, a new possibility of being, and from this new possibility, there is a rupture of hegemonic ideas in beauty and lifestyle. Her nail sculptures are at the same time real and surreal - they are about body, identity and about reimagining oneself.
The piece revolves around three associations of nails in popular culture: they are either vulgar, dirty or an exaggeration. Such associations are posed negatively and demonstrate a pre-judgement often based on gender, race and class biases, where many hold the idea of a pure, clean and standardized beauty. Through a transdisciplinary installation, Cyshimi creates a conflict between such pejorative ideas and suggests new possibilities for free nails, based on images of sculptural nails. The artist subverts the traditional French nail-do with the phrases "Somewhere you belong", "Be your teenage dream" and "Reimagining the self". The title Reverse French Nails makes reference to the most used French-do technique in nail lengthening, while also alluding to the subversion and counterposition of elements in the work. Throughout her research, nails represent a new worldview, a new possibility of being, and from this new possibility, there is a rupture of hegemonic ideas in beauty and lifestyle. Her nail sculptures are at the same time real and surreal - they are about body, identity and about reimagining oneself.