Dariane Martiól, Centauras I, 2021
fotografia, sublimação em microfibra
[photograph, microfiber sublimation]
[photograph, microfiber sublimation]
55 x 65 cm
[21 5/8 x 25 5/8 in]
[21 5/8 x 25 5/8 in]
Edition of 3 plus 2 artist's proofs
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O projeto Autorretrato Infamiliar teve início em 2021 quando voltei para a casa da minha mãe, Adair Martiól - que tem 70 anos, é mãe solo e morava sozinha no...
O projeto Autorretrato Infamiliar teve início em 2021 quando voltei para a casa da minha mãe, Adair Martiól - que tem 70 anos, é mãe solo e morava sozinha no interior do Paraná. Centauras I foi a primeira fotografia deste projeto e foi também a primeira vez, depois de muitos anos, que o meu corpo nu tocou o corpo nu da minha mãe. Depois desse click a relação conflituosa foi dando lugar à uma relação de cumplicidade mediada pelo jogo artístico. Se num primeiro momento Adair Martiól era apenas personagem nos meus ensaios, agora ela passou a criar seus próprios objetos e com orgulho se vê e se diz artista.
The Autorretrato Infamiliar (Unfamiliar Self-portrait) project started in 2021 when I went back to Adair Martiól - my mother's - house. She is a 70 year old solo mother who, before this, lived alone in the countryside of Paraná. Centauras I (Centaurs I) was the first photograph of this project and it was also the first time, after many years, that my naked body touched my mother's naked body. After this click, the conflicting relationship gave way to a relationship of complicity mediated by the artistic game. While at first, Adair Martiól was only a character in my essays, she has now started to create her own objects and proudly sees herself as an artist.
The Autorretrato Infamiliar (Unfamiliar Self-portrait) project started in 2021 when I went back to Adair Martiól - my mother's - house. She is a 70 year old solo mother who, before this, lived alone in the countryside of Paraná. Centauras I (Centaurs I) was the first photograph of this project and it was also the first time, after many years, that my naked body touched my mother's naked body. After this click, the conflicting relationship gave way to a relationship of complicity mediated by the artistic game. While at first, Adair Martiól was only a character in my essays, she has now started to create her own objects and proudly sees herself as an artist.