Renan Soares, sem título [untitled], 2021
madeira, pelúcia e roldanas [wood, plush and pulleys]
104 x 90 x 105 cm
[41 x 35 3/8 x 41 3/8 in]
2.5 kg
[41 x 35 3/8 x 41 3/8 in]
2.5 kg
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Em tempos de carnificina, os abutres disputam entre si enquanto deglutem a carne dos mortos. Miramos o indício de um corpo estirado no chão que, por um deslize, agora é...
Em tempos de carnificina, os abutres disputam entre si enquanto deglutem a carne dos mortos. Miramos o indício de um corpo estirado no chão que, por um deslize, agora é silhueta, uma sombra que vela e revela um acontecimento. Em outra instância, camuflados por sombras, alguns espectros mimetizam uma aparição animalesca, provocam o estranhamento, o susto e ao mesmo tempo a curiosidade: desejamos tocá-los, mas desacreditamos do que se apresenta. Querem nos enganar e se passar pelo que não são. Lembramos apenas que a “história se repete, a primeira vez como tragédia e a segunda como farsa.”
In times of carnage, vultures squabble among themselves while swallowing the flesh of the dead. We look at the evidence of a body lying on the ground, which, due to a slip, is now a silhouette, a shadow that watches and reveals an event. In another instance, camouflaged by shadows, some specters mimic an animal-like apparition, they provoke strangeness, fright and at the same time curiosity: we want to touch them, but we don´t believe in what is presented. They only want to deceive us and pretend to be what they are not. We remember that "history repeats itself, the first time as tragedy and the second as a farce".
In times of carnage, vultures squabble among themselves while swallowing the flesh of the dead. We look at the evidence of a body lying on the ground, which, due to a slip, is now a silhouette, a shadow that watches and reveals an event. In another instance, camouflaged by shadows, some specters mimic an animal-like apparition, they provoke strangeness, fright and at the same time curiosity: we want to touch them, but we don´t believe in what is presented. They only want to deceive us and pretend to be what they are not. We remember that "history repeats itself, the first time as tragedy and the second as a farce".