Sabrina Fidalgo, Voyage Voyage, 2022
vídeo instalação [video installation]
dimensões variáveis [variable dimensions]
Copyright O Artista
Voyage, Voyage… nasce nos meses de isolamento social durante a primeira onda da pandemia global do coronavírus, em 2020. Sabrina Fidalgo iniciou um processo investigativo que consistia em examinar os...
Voyage, Voyage… nasce nos meses de isolamento social durante a primeira onda da pandemia global do coronavírus, em 2020. Sabrina Fidalgo iniciou um processo investigativo que consistia em examinar os objetos de sua própria casa, objetos esses outrora irrelevantes, que, todavia, se converteram em dispositivos simbólicos-afetivos das impermanências oscilantes surgidas através da primeira grande distopia do século XXI. Atrelado a isso, o banzo de viagem advindo do confinamento obrigatório, encontrou em captações de áudios perdidos de viagens anteriores pelo mundo o perfeito anacronismo e poliformia para a materialização da obra. Da mesma maneira, a imagem da paisagem de uma gélida Suíça - último suspiro exterior - dialoga com os ruídos do cotidiano pandêmico do apartamento cujo tempo endógeno se encapsula em linguagem hibridizada, assim como as representações materiais que configuram os demais dispositivos em uma única egrégora desse Zeitgeist.
Voyage, Voyage... was born in the months of social isolation during the first wave of the global pandemic of the coronavirus, in 2020. Sabrina Fidalgo started an investigative process that consisted in examining the objects of her own house, objects that were once irrelevant, but that became symbolic-affective devices of the oscillating impermanence that emerged through the first great dystopia of the 21st century. Linked to this, the nostalgia of travel arising from obligatory confinement found in lost audio files of previous trips around the world is the perfect anachronism and polymorphism for the materialization of the work. In the same way, the image of the landscape of a cold Switzerland - the last breath outside Brazil - dialogues with the everyday pandemic noises of the apartment whose endogenous time is encapsulated in hybridized language, as well as the material representations that configure the other devices into a single egregor of this Zeitgeist.
Voyage, Voyage... was born in the months of social isolation during the first wave of the global pandemic of the coronavirus, in 2020. Sabrina Fidalgo started an investigative process that consisted in examining the objects of her own house, objects that were once irrelevant, but that became symbolic-affective devices of the oscillating impermanence that emerged through the first great dystopia of the 21st century. Linked to this, the nostalgia of travel arising from obligatory confinement found in lost audio files of previous trips around the world is the perfect anachronism and polymorphism for the materialization of the work. In the same way, the image of the landscape of a cold Switzerland - the last breath outside Brazil - dialogues with the everyday pandemic noises of the apartment whose endogenous time is encapsulated in hybridized language, as well as the material representations that configure the other devices into a single egregor of this Zeitgeist.