Flora treme, 2017-2020
estrutura de alumínio, panelas, frigideiras, baquetas e pessoas
[aluminum structure, pots, pans, drum sticks and people]
[aluminum structure, pots, pans, drum sticks and people]
194 x 94 x 41 cm
[76 3/8 x 37 1/8 x 16 1/8 in]
6.9 kg
[76 3/8 x 37 1/8 x 16 1/8 in]
6.9 kg
Copyright O Artista
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FLORA TREME é um dispositivo relacional inspirado na tamborica, um instrumento musical de percussão, no lugar dos tamborins entram panelas e utensílios de cozinha. Esses elementos, fundamentais para o preparo...
FLORA TREME é um dispositivo relacional inspirado na tamborica, um instrumento musical de percussão, no lugar dos tamborins entram panelas e utensílios de cozinha. Esses elementos, fundamentais para o preparo de nossas refeições diárias, refletem alguns aspectos culturais do Brasil, como a música popular, o samba e outras ocupações do espaço da cozinha, permeados pelas ideais feministas e das usuais práticas que levam e usam as panelas nas ruas como instrumentos de protesto político. O público é fortemente encorajado a se incorporar à experiência tocando os instrumentos coletivamente no ritmo que desejarem. O nome desta obra remete a sua forma arbórea, que cria uma flora que treme na percussão dos batuques, além de ser um anagrama da frase de protesto mais ouvida desde o golpe que colocou no poder Michel Temer: FORA TEMER!
FLORA TREME is a series of relational devices inspired in an unusual musical instrument as well as in a domestic, cosmopolitan and political use of the saucepan. The kitchen utensils so fundamental to the confection of our meal rituals are here played to reflects on other cultural aspects such as the Brazilian popular music, the samba and those who occupy the kitchen space, as well as in ideas that permeates feminist and political protest practices. The public is strongly encouraged to incorporate the experience playing the devices as they please. The title speaks of a tree like structure that trembles according to the one playing it but is also an anagram to the most recent and spread protest words in Brazil since Michel Temer occupied the presidency in a coupist congress maneuver: FORA TEMER! (Dump Temer!)
FLORA TREME is a series of relational devices inspired in an unusual musical instrument as well as in a domestic, cosmopolitan and political use of the saucepan. The kitchen utensils so fundamental to the confection of our meal rituals are here played to reflects on other cultural aspects such as the Brazilian popular music, the samba and those who occupy the kitchen space, as well as in ideas that permeates feminist and political protest practices. The public is strongly encouraged to incorporate the experience playing the devices as they please. The title speaks of a tree like structure that trembles according to the one playing it but is also an anagram to the most recent and spread protest words in Brazil since Michel Temer occupied the presidency in a coupist congress maneuver: FORA TEMER! (Dump Temer!)