Fabiano Gonper
Gonper Museum – Antonio Dias: A Ilustração da Arte, 2005
impressão em papel algodão
[print on cotton paper]
[print on cotton paper]
90 x 150 cm
[35 3/8 x 59 in]
[35 3/8 x 59 in]
Edition of 10 plus 2 artist's proofs
Copyright The Artist
Em 2005, Fabiano Gonper, ampliando e reafirmando o conceito de legitimação do Gonper Museum – work in progress, convida o artista Antonio Dias para realizar uma exposição individual dentro do...
Em 2005, Fabiano Gonper, ampliando e reafirmando o conceito de legitimação do Gonper Museum – work in progress, convida o artista Antonio Dias para realizar uma exposição individual dentro do seu museu-obra. Primeiro artista convidado a expor no Gonper Museum, Antonio Dias sugere, entre conversas e negociações, que as obras poderiam ter a mesma materialidade do museu. As obras escolhidas para a exposição no Gonper Museum (em seu formato projeto e instalação) foram duas obras da série A Ilustração da Arte (1974) “que investigam a própria demarcação simbólica do que é arte e sua inserção no espaço coisificado das trocas mercantis (M.A. 2018)”.
In 2005, Fabiano Gonper, expanding and reaffirming the concept of legitimizing the Gonper Museum – work in progress, invited the artist Antonio Dias to hold a solo exhibition within his work-museum. The first artist invited to exhibit at the Gonper Museum, Antonio Dias suggested, amid conversations and negotiations, that the works could have the same materiality as the museum. The works chosen for the exhibition at the Gonper Museum (in both their project and installation formats) were two works from the series The Illustration of Art (1974) “which investigate the very symbolic demarcation of what art is and its insertion in the objectified space of mercantile exchanges ( M.A. 2018)”.
In 2005, Fabiano Gonper, expanding and reaffirming the concept of legitimizing the Gonper Museum – work in progress, invited the artist Antonio Dias to hold a solo exhibition within his work-museum. The first artist invited to exhibit at the Gonper Museum, Antonio Dias suggested, amid conversations and negotiations, that the works could have the same materiality as the museum. The works chosen for the exhibition at the Gonper Museum (in both their project and installation formats) were two works from the series The Illustration of Art (1974) “which investigate the very symbolic demarcation of what art is and its insertion in the objectified space of mercantile exchanges ( M.A. 2018)”.