Denilson Baniwa
Almoço nú / Naked lunch Guisarts / Gente bicho, 2023
acrílica, pastel oleoso e colagem sobre tela
[acrylic, oil pastels and collage on canvas]
[acrylic, oil pastels and collage on canvas]
130 x 200 x 3.5 cm díptico
130 x 100 x 3.5 cm cada
[51 1/8 x 78 6/8 x 1 3/8 in dyptich
51 1/8 x 39 3/8 x 1 3/8 in each]
8.6 kg
130 x 100 x 3.5 cm cada
[51 1/8 x 78 6/8 x 1 3/8 in dyptich
51 1/8 x 39 3/8 x 1 3/8 in each]
8.6 kg
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Em “Almoço nú / Naked lunch Guisarts / Gente bicho”, Baniwa explora as relações de cuidado e de poder que existem entre casais indígenas. Piolhos que as mulheres tiram dos...
Em “Almoço nú / Naked lunch Guisarts / Gente bicho”, Baniwa explora as relações de cuidado e de poder que existem entre casais indígenas. Piolhos que as mulheres tiram dos maridos e que os maridos tiram das mulheres, animais peçonhentos que apareceram quando os seres humanos descobriram a noite, relações entre bicho e gente, gente e bicho que geraram as primeiras imunidades. O trabalho faz menção ao livro homônimo, de William S. Burroughs, em que o protagonista se intoxica com inseticidas e acaba tendo uma viagem alucinógena em que participa de uma orgia com insetos.
In “Almoço nú / Naked lunch Guisarts / Gente bicho”, Denilson explores the relationships of care and power that exist between indigenous couples. Lice that women remove from their husbands and that husbands remove from their wives, venomous animals that first appeared when human beings discovered the night, relationships between animals and people, people and animals that generated the first immunities. The work references the homonymous book, by William S. Burroughs, in which the protagonist becomes intoxicated with insecticides and ends up having a hallucinogenic trip in which he participates in an orgy with insects.
In “Almoço nú / Naked lunch Guisarts / Gente bicho”, Denilson explores the relationships of care and power that exist between indigenous couples. Lice that women remove from their husbands and that husbands remove from their wives, venomous animals that first appeared when human beings discovered the night, relationships between animals and people, people and animals that generated the first immunities. The work references the homonymous book, by William S. Burroughs, in which the protagonist becomes intoxicated with insecticides and ends up having a hallucinogenic trip in which he participates in an orgy with insects.