Agrade Camíz
O Beijo, 2023
acrílica e giz de óleo sobre tela
[acrylic and oil chalk on canvas]
[acrylic and oil chalk on canvas]
182 x 148 x 3 cm
[71 5/8 x 58 1/4 x 1 1/8 in]
8.0 kg
[71 5/8 x 58 1/4 x 1 1/8 in]
8.0 kg
Copyright The Artist
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No beijo não literal, Agrade traduz em novos pontos de vista um desvio do olhar padrão, mostrando a beleza indizível das formas não observadas. Aquelas que transbordam quando vistas de...
No beijo não literal, Agrade traduz em novos pontos de vista um desvio do olhar padrão, mostrando a beleza indizível das formas não observadas. Aquelas que transbordam quando vistas de seu ângulo. É possível uma nova forma de fazer beleza, mesmo que seja preciso negá-la. Novas tramas vivenciais redimensionam representações do corpo e do espírito das mulheres em suas camadas, redesenhando fronteiras e redefinindo limites. A experiência da mulher em toda a sua humanidade – que lhe é cotidianamente ameaçada. Levar ao centro a experiência do “Segundo Sexo”. Frente à subalternizações, o gesto criativo conta histórias de zonas de silêncio e segredo, prazeres e desejos, derrotas e conquistas, sonhos que só essas vidas podem ter.
In the non-literal kiss, Agrade translates a deviation from the standard gaze into new points of view, showing the unspeakable beauty of unobserved forms. Those that overflow when viewed from your angle. A new way of making beauty is possible, even if there is a need to deny it. New experiential plots resize representations of the body and the spirit of women in their layers, redrawing borders and redefining limits. The woman's experience in all of her humanity - which is threatened daily. Bringing the “Second Sex” experience to the center. Faced with subordination, the creative gesture tells stories of zones of silence and secrecy, pleasures and desires, defeats and conquests, dreams that only these lives can have.
In the non-literal kiss, Agrade translates a deviation from the standard gaze into new points of view, showing the unspeakable beauty of unobserved forms. Those that overflow when viewed from your angle. A new way of making beauty is possible, even if there is a need to deny it. New experiential plots resize representations of the body and the spirit of women in their layers, redrawing borders and redefining limits. The woman's experience in all of her humanity - which is threatened daily. Bringing the “Second Sex” experience to the center. Faced with subordination, the creative gesture tells stories of zones of silence and secrecy, pleasures and desires, defeats and conquests, dreams that only these lives can have.
In the gallery
SP Arte 2023 | São Paulo | Brasil | 2023 [29 mar - 02 abr]