Novíssimo Edgar
Black Elvis, 2023
manequim, indumentária de perfomances do baralho RAGDE, tinta acrílica, patchwork, cetim, pelúcia, manta de infância e miçangas
[mannequin, performance clothing from the RAGDE cards deck, acrylic paint, patchwork, satin, plush, childhood blanket and beads]
[mannequin, performance clothing from the RAGDE cards deck, acrylic paint, patchwork, satin, plush, childhood blanket and beads]
200 x 165 cm
[78 3/4 x 65 in]
[78 3/4 x 65 in]
Further images
Exu ou Elvis negro? A cor da infância e da influência decide a resposta.
Exu or black Elvis? The color of childhood and influence decides the answer.
Exu ou Elvis negro? A cor da infância e da influência decide a resposta.
Exu or black Elvis? The color of childhood and influence decides the answer.
Exu or black Elvis? The color of childhood and influence decides the answer.
In the gallery
SP Arte 2023 | São Paulo | Brasil | 2023 [29 mar - 02 abr]