Alexandre Paes, Culturas Improváveis, 2021
dimensões variáveis
38 x 38 x 10 cm cada
[variable dimensions
15 x 15 x 4 in each]
38 x 38 x 10 cm cada
[variable dimensions
15 x 15 x 4 in each]
Further images
Culturas Improváveis (2021) é uma instalação que apresenta cadernos escolares usados, coletados em sala de aula, semeados e apoiados em assentos e encostos de carteiras escolares igualmente coletados em escolas...
Culturas Improváveis (2021) é uma instalação que apresenta cadernos escolares usados, coletados em sala de aula, semeados e apoiados em assentos e encostos de carteiras escolares igualmente coletados em escolas públicas municipais do Rio de Janeiro. As plantas que brotam nesses cadernos abordam a questão do crescimento e desenvolvimento de formas de vida num terreno fértil, porém extremamente adverso. Assim como as plantas que brotam desses cadernos, a vida que floresce e se desenvolve dentro da escola (também mediada por esses cadernos) é igualmente incerta, difícil e, muitas das vezes, desacreditada.
Culturas Improváveis (Unlikely Cultures), 2021, is an installation that presents used school notebooks collected in the classroom, sown and resting on the seats and backrests of school desks also collected in municipal public schools in Rio de Janeiro. The plants that sprout in these notebooks address the question of the growth and development of life forms in fertile but extremely adverse terrain. Just like the plants that sprout from these notebooks, the life that flourishes and develops inside the school (also mediated by these notebooks) is equally uncertain, difficult and, many times, discredited.
Culturas Improváveis (Unlikely Cultures), 2021, is an installation that presents used school notebooks collected in the classroom, sown and resting on the seats and backrests of school desks also collected in municipal public schools in Rio de Janeiro. The plants that sprout in these notebooks address the question of the growth and development of life forms in fertile but extremely adverse terrain. Just like the plants that sprout from these notebooks, the life that flourishes and develops inside the school (also mediated by these notebooks) is equally uncertain, difficult and, many times, discredited.