Benedito Ferreira, Arquivo Morto, 2013-2022
técnica mista sobre 134 papéis de carta
[mixed technique over 134 letter-papers]
[mixed technique over 134 letter-papers]
125 x 495 cm
[49 1/4 x 194 7/8 in]
[49 1/4 x 194 7/8 in]
Copyright The Artist
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Colecionar papéis de carta era o passatempo de muitas crianças entre as décadas de 1980 e 1990. O hábito envolvia também adquirir envelopes coloridos e conferir a resistência dos saquinhos...
Colecionar papéis de carta era o passatempo de muitas crianças entre as décadas de 1980 e 1990. O hábito envolvia também adquirir envelopes coloridos e conferir a resistência dos saquinhos plásticos das pastas. Escrever nos papéis era algo fora de cogitação: quanto mais intactos, mais valiosos eram. Em Arquivo Morto os objetos desejam passar por um processo de "desarquivamento" ao forjarem uma existência textual própria através de frases, rabiscos e adesivos que especulam um interlocutor contemporâneo.
Collecting stationery was a hobby for many children in the 1980s and 1990s. The habit also involved buying coloured envelopes and checking the resistance of the plastic bags in the folders. Writing on the papers was out of the question: the more intact they were, the more valuable they became. In Arquivo Morto, it seems that the objects wish to undergo a process of "unarchiving", by forging their own textual existence through phrases, scribbles and stickers that speculate a contemporary interlocutor.
Collecting stationery was a hobby for many children in the 1980s and 1990s. The habit also involved buying coloured envelopes and checking the resistance of the plastic bags in the folders. Writing on the papers was out of the question: the more intact they were, the more valuable they became. In Arquivo Morto, it seems that the objects wish to undergo a process of "unarchiving", by forging their own textual existence through phrases, scribbles and stickers that speculate a contemporary interlocutor.