Ana Mohallem, AM Stretcher, 2022
cúpula de acrílico cristal 4mm, caixa de papelão, pastel seco, botão L/D, condutores, organizador de cabos amarelo, fita isolante, solda, pilha A23, suporte para pilha A23, lacre de segurança, cabo de madeira, motor vibratório 3V, suporte de acrílico para luz neon, parafuso de aço inoxidável, porca de aço inoxidável, placa de patrimônio em aço inoxidável
[4mm crystal acrylic dome, cardboard box, dry pastel, L/D button, conductors, yellow cable organizer, insulating tape, solder, A23 battery, A23 battery holder, security seal, wooden handle, 3V vibrating motor, acrylic neon light bracket, stainless steel screw, stainless steel nut, stainless steel heritage plaque]
[4mm crystal acrylic dome, cardboard box, dry pastel, L/D button, conductors, yellow cable organizer, insulating tape, solder, A23 battery, A23 battery holder, security seal, wooden handle, 3V vibrating motor, acrylic neon light bracket, stainless steel screw, stainless steel nut, stainless steel heritage plaque]
24 x 12 x 18.5 cm
[9 1/2 x 4 3/4 x 7 1/4 in]
[9 1/2 x 4 3/4 x 7 1/4 in]
Copyright The Artist
Further images
AM Stretcher é uma ferramenta de desenho: um pastel seco acoplado a um motor vibratório autônomo. Nesse caso, a ferramenta já não serve mais para aumentar a destreza de quem...
AM Stretcher é uma ferramenta de desenho: um pastel seco acoplado a um motor vibratório autônomo. Nesse caso, a ferramenta já não serve mais para aumentar a destreza de quem a manipula, mas tampouco está a serviço de si mesma: age como um sismógrafo para captar os movimentos da lógica do acaso. O trabalho investiga a tensão entre o propósito prático e a potência poética das ferramentas - enquanto objetos, mas também enquanto dispositivos simbólicos - e busca propor caminhos para outros elos com o mundo real, que transbordem o vigente “ser útil”.
AM Stretcher is a drawing tool: a dry pastel coupled to an autonomous vibrating motor. In this case, the tool no longer serves to increase the dexterity of those who manipulate it, but neither is it at its own service: it acts as a seismograph to capture the movements of the logic of chance. The work investigates the tension between the practical purpose and the poetic power of tools - as objects, but also as symbolic devices - and seeks to propose ways for other links with the real world, which overflow the current “being useful”.
AM Stretcher is a drawing tool: a dry pastel coupled to an autonomous vibrating motor. In this case, the tool no longer serves to increase the dexterity of those who manipulate it, but neither is it at its own service: it acts as a seismograph to capture the movements of the logic of chance. The work investigates the tension between the practical purpose and the poetic power of tools - as objects, but also as symbolic devices - and seeks to propose ways for other links with the real world, which overflow the current “being useful”.