Vulcanica Pokaropa, Ressurreição, 2023
acrílica, espuma expansiva e vela sobre tela
[acrylic, expansive foam and candle on canvas]
[acrylic, expansive foam and candle on canvas]
20 x 20 cm
[7 7/8 x 7 7/8 in]
[7 7/8 x 7 7/8 in]
Copyright The Artist
Further images
Ressurreição integra a série Intercessão, que faz parte da pesquisa em arte católica que venho fazendo. Vivi desde que nasci até os 15 anos de idade dentro da religião/igreja católica...
Ressurreição integra a série Intercessão, que faz parte da pesquisa em arte católica que venho fazendo. Vivi desde que nasci até os 15 anos de idade dentro da religião/igreja católica e tenho trazido símbolos e imagens desse contexto ressignificando-os - para algo que inclua mais pessoas como eu. Não para nos santificar, mas para borrar as fronteiras entre limpo vs. sujo, profano vs. sagrado etc.
Ressurreição (Resurrection) is part of the Intercessão (Intercession) series, which emerges from my ongoing research on Catholic art. From the moment I was born until I was 15 years old, I lived inside the Catholic religion/church, and I have been revisiting symbols and images from that context, re-signifying them into something that includes more people like me. Not to sanctify us, but to blur the boundaries between clean vs. dirty, profane vs. sacred, etc.
Ressurreição (Resurrection) is part of the Intercessão (Intercession) series, which emerges from my ongoing research on Catholic art. From the moment I was born until I was 15 years old, I lived inside the Catholic religion/church, and I have been revisiting symbols and images from that context, re-signifying them into something that includes more people like me. Not to sanctify us, but to blur the boundaries between clean vs. dirty, profane vs. sacred, etc.