Ana Linnemann
Pintura-sem-saida (convexa com labirinto) 7 [Dead-end-painting (convex with labyrinth) #7], 2022
cedro, dobradiça, lona e tinta acrílica
[cedarwood, hinges, canvas and acrylic paint]
[cedarwood, hinges, canvas and acrylic paint]
70 x 70 x 5 cm aberta
70 x 35 x 5 cm fechada, cada aba
[27 1/2 x 27 1/2 x 2 in open
27 1/2 x 13 3/4 x 2 in closed, each side]
70 x 35 x 5 cm fechada, cada aba
[27 1/2 x 27 1/2 x 2 in open
27 1/2 x 13 3/4 x 2 in closed, each side]
Copyright The Artist
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'Pintura-sem-saída com labirinto (nº 7)' faz parte de um conjunto de trabalhos do sistema chamado 'Exposição de galeria', desenvolvido pela artista, que examina formatos comuns ao universo das galerias: pinturas...
"Pintura-sem-saída com labirinto (nº 7)" faz parte de um conjunto de trabalhos do sistema chamado "Exposição de galeria", desenvolvido pela artista, que examina formatos comuns ao universo das galerias: pinturas e desenhos, porém numa condição de dissidência — pinturas, mas nem tanto assim e desenhos, mas nem tanto assim. Poderia se dizer que são esculturas cujo material é a pintura, e objetos cujo material é o desenho.
["Dead-end-painting (convex with labyrinth) #7" is part of a series of works from the system called "Exposição de galeria", developed by the artist, which examines common formats to the universe of galleries: paintings and drawings, but in a condition of dissidence —paintings, but not that much, and drawings, but not that much. It could be said that they are sculptures in which the material is painting, and objects in which the material is drawing.]
["Dead-end-painting (convex with labyrinth) #7" is part of a series of works from the system called "Exposição de galeria", developed by the artist, which examines common formats to the universe of galleries: paintings and drawings, but in a condition of dissidence —paintings, but not that much, and drawings, but not that much. It could be said that they are sculptures in which the material is painting, and objects in which the material is drawing.]