José Bento
Fita, 1999
braúna e nylon
[braúna and nylon]
[braúna and nylon]
dimensões variáveis
[variable dimensions]
80 x 12 x 420 cm
[31 1/2 x 4 3/4 x 165 3/8 in]
57 kg
[variable dimensions]
80 x 12 x 420 cm
[31 1/2 x 4 3/4 x 165 3/8 in]
57 kg
Copyright The Artist
Further images
Parte das esculturas concebidas e premiadas nos anos 90, quando participaram do Salão Nacional, Bento criou Fita. A Fita assimila o espaço e o espaço a assimila - são muitas...
Parte das esculturas concebidas e premiadas nos anos 90, quando participaram do Salão Nacional, Bento criou Fita. A Fita assimila o espaço e o espaço a assimila - são muitas as formas de montagem. O nylon e a madeira domam o espaço.
[Part of the sculptures conceived in the 90s, when they participated in the National Salon and were awarded prizes, Bento created Fita. "Fita" assimilates space and space assimilates it - the forms of assembly are multiple. Nylon and wood tame the space.]
[Part of the sculptures conceived in the 90s, when they participated in the National Salon and were awarded prizes, Bento created Fita. "Fita" assimilates space and space assimilates it - the forms of assembly are multiple. Nylon and wood tame the space.]