Renata Lucas
Lucas’s modest yet vastly more unheimlich incisions into the urban fabric can perhaps be thought of instead as hacks to the socio-political matrix – purposeful, disorientating attempts to puncture the apparently inescapable veneer of capitalist realism.
- Oliver Basciano, Renata Lucas, 2015
Renata Lucas’s practice is focused on temporary interventions into built environments, pushing the boundaries of architectural and urban space, questioning about how the daily life and social behavior are affected by the spaces that surround us.
9 Sep 2023 - 13 Jan 2024 Rio de JaneiroA Gentil Carioca is pleased to present Forrobodó, a group exhibition that marks the 20th anniversary of the gallery and celebrates the political, poetic, aesthetic and erotic potential of the...Read more -
Renata Lucas | O Perde
12 Feb - 26 Mar 2022A Gentil Carioca is pleased to present O Perde , the first solo exhibition by Renata Lucas at the gallery space in São Paulo. If a line drawn on the...Read more -
Bum-bum Paticumbum Prugurundum
7 Aug - 9 Oct 2021 São PauloAleta Valente, Ana Linnemann, Arjan Martins, Cabelo, Ernesto Neto, Jarbas Lopes, João Modé, José Bento, Laura Lima, Marcela Cantuária, Maria Laet, Maria Nepomuceno, Maxwell Alexandre, OPAVIVARÁ!, Renata Lucas, Rodrigo Torres,...Read more -
5 Mar - 2 May 2021Access viewing room or Visit online exhibitionRead more -
Encruzilhada Gentil
7 Oct - 31 Dec 2020 Rio de JaneiroAccess viewing roomRead more
Domingo no parque revisita trabalhos fundamentais da artista e apresenta novas ações que exploram a relação com o seu entorno -
Dia:Chelsea to Offer Free Admission
Peter Libbey, The New York Times, 19 Sep 2019 -
Uma exposição com partido, sim!
Jamyle Rkain, Arte!Brasileiros, 3 Jan 2018 -
Brazilian Matrix
Flash Art, 23 Jan 2016 -
Renata Lucas feature on ArtReview
Oliver Basciano, ArtReview, 30 Apr 2015 -
Frieze magazine interviews: Renata Lucas
Frieze magazine, 1 Sep 2012
Brazilian visual artist, lives and works between the cities of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. Renata Lucas’s practice is focused on temporary interventions into built environments, pushing the boundaries of architectural and urban space, questioning about how the daily life and social behavior are affected by the spaces that surround us. Lucas seeks to breaks the standard present in everyday structures, shapes and surfaces of the built space, looking for another perspective of experience to those who try out her work.
Some of her main projects are “Andar de cima”, Casa do Povo, São Paulo (2018), “fontes e sequestros”, Neugerriemschneider, Berlin (2015) and Museu do Homem Diagonal Rio de Janeiro (2014) - Absolut Award, “[ ]”, Galley Luisa Strina, São Paulo (2014) e Secession, Vienna, Austria, “Third Time”, Peep-Hole, Milan (2011), “Cabeça e cauda de cavalo”, Ernst Schering Foundation Art Award, KW Institute for Contemporary Art, Berlin (2010), “Resident”, Gasworks, London (2007), “Falha”, Redcat, Los Angeles (2007), “Gentileza”, Galeria A Gentil Carioca, Rio de Janeiro (2005). The projects and works within collective shows are “aqui”, Galeria Jaqueline Martins, São Paulo (2017), “Avenida Paulista”, MASP Museu de Arte de São Paulo (2017), “United States of Latin America”, MOCAD, Museum of Contemporary Art Detroit (2015), “o interior está no exterior”, Projeto Casa de Vidro, Instituto Lina Bo Bardi, São Paulo (2013), “One on One” na Kunstwerk, Berlin (2012), “Planos de fuga - Uma exposição em obras”, CCBB São Paulo (2012), dOCUMENTA(13), Kassel (2012), 12th Istanbul Biennial (2011), “Tiempo como materia”, MACBA, Barcelona (2009), “Venice suitcase”, 53th Venice Biennial (2009), “Barulho de Fundo” e “Matemática rápida”, 27a Bienal de São Paulo (2006).