João Modé
Enquanto as pedras esperam, 2022
linha de costura sobre linho
[sewing thread on linen]
[sewing thread on linen]
30.5 x 25 cm
[12 x 9 7/8 in]
[12 x 9 7/8 in]
Further images
'Fio a fio, tecidos e trançados com mais ou menos aperfeiçoamento ou afeição pelo artista, erguem-se e escoram-se pelo espaço expositivo sem de nós quase nada pedir – poderíamos até,...
"Fio a fio, tecidos e trançados com mais ou menos aperfeiçoamento ou afeição pelo artista, erguem-se e escoram-se pelo espaço expositivo sem de nós quase nada pedir – poderíamos até, quiçá, por eles passarmos sem lhes dar grande trela ou fazer nenhum alarde. Mas, à contrapelo desta vã possibilidade que acaba por não se concretizar (ufa!), com eles dialogamos silenciosamente, cada qual à sua maneira, com seu credo e com seu espanto, em terra firme ou à beira de um abismo delicioso. Estamos confortados novamente, o mundo talvez possa ainda ser um lugar acolhedor, talvez possamos vir a finalmente entender que, sim!, travamos contato com outras espécies e até mesmo com objetos. Basta pararmos e ouvirmos." - Victor Gorgulho
["Thread by thread, woven and braided with more or less perfection or affection of the artist, the works rise and support themselves through the exhibition space without asking us for anything – we could even, perhaps, pass by them without giving them much of attention, no fuss. But, against the grain of this vain possibility that ends up not materializing itself (phew!), we dialogue with them silently, each in its own way, with their creed and astonishment, on solid ground or on the edge of a delicious abyss . We are comforted again, perhaps the world can still be a welcoming place, perhaps we can finally come to understand that, yes!, we do come into contact with other species and even with objects. All it takes is to stop and listen." - Victor Gorgulho]
["Thread by thread, woven and braided with more or less perfection or affection of the artist, the works rise and support themselves through the exhibition space without asking us for anything – we could even, perhaps, pass by them without giving them much of attention, no fuss. But, against the grain of this vain possibility that ends up not materializing itself (phew!), we dialogue with them silently, each in its own way, with their creed and astonishment, on solid ground or on the edge of a delicious abyss . We are comforted again, perhaps the world can still be a welcoming place, perhaps we can finally come to understand that, yes!, we do come into contact with other species and even with objects. All it takes is to stop and listen." - Victor Gorgulho]