Aleta Valente
Quentinha, 2015
impressão pigmentada sobre papel Canson Rag Photographique 310gr [pigmented print on Canson Rag Photographique 310gr]
53 x 91 x 4 cm [20 7/8 x 35 7/8 x 1 5/8 in]
4,1 kg
4,1 kg
Edition of 6 plus 2 artist's proofs
Further images
As fotografias da série Do Lar tem como ponto focal o rosto, o torso, a buceta e a bunda da artista em um diálogo direto com o ambiente e os...
As fotografias da série Do Lar tem como ponto focal o rosto, o torso, a buceta e a bunda da artista em um diálogo direto com o ambiente e os objetos do âmbito do lar, marcando assim um protesto contra as normas sociais que limitam e empurram o corpo feminino aos espaços e serviços de cuidado doméstico. Sem sutiã sentada dentro de uma geladeira, de calcinha nos degraus de uma escada, com dois bifes crus cobrindo os peitos, sob um ângulo baixo, íntimo e penetrante mirando sua buceta, sensualizando na grama ou com um prato de comida entre as pernas, essa série de autorretratos não trabalha a reprodução do estereótipo como representação, mas como a superexposição de uma recorrência e com foco na obviedade do real.
The photographs from the Stay at Home series focus on the artist’s face, torso, pussy and butt in a direct dialogue with the environment and objects from a domestic sphere, thus marking a protest against the social norms that limit and push the female body to spaces and services of domestic care. Without bra, sitting inside a fridge, on her panties on the steps of the stairs, with two raw steaks covering her breasts, from a low, intimate and penetrating angle aiming at her pussy, on sexy positions on the grass or with a plate of food between her legs, this series of self-portraits does not work on stereotype reproduction as representation, but as overexposing a recurrence and focusing on the obviousness of the real.
The photographs from the Stay at Home series focus on the artist’s face, torso, pussy and butt in a direct dialogue with the environment and objects from a domestic sphere, thus marking a protest against the social norms that limit and push the female body to spaces and services of domestic care. Without bra, sitting inside a fridge, on her panties on the steps of the stairs, with two raw steaks covering her breasts, from a low, intimate and penetrating angle aiming at her pussy, on sexy positions on the grass or with a plate of food between her legs, this series of self-portraits does not work on stereotype reproduction as representation, but as overexposing a recurrence and focusing on the obviousness of the real.