Laura Lima
Bar Restaurant, 2010
garçom-garçonete, gelo, cerveja, copos, tecido, pérola, argila, ferro, madeira, farinha, bronze, sal, tinta, papel, água, inúmeros outros tipos de materiais e mecanismo oculto
[waiter-waitress, ice, beer, glasses, fabric, pearl, clay, iron, wood, flour, bronze, salt, paint paper, water, countless other types of materials and hidden mechanism]
[waiter-waitress, ice, beer, glasses, fabric, pearl, clay, iron, wood, flour, bronze, salt, paint paper, water, countless other types of materials and hidden mechanism]
dimensões variadas
[dimensions variable]
[dimensions variable]
Edition of 3 plus 1 artist's proof
Further images
Vinte e quatro esculturas diferentes (formas geométricas, farinha, barro, ferro, pilhas de diários etc.) estão “sentadas” em cadeiras bebendo cerveja. O líquido desaparece dos copos através de um sistema invisível...
Vinte e quatro esculturas diferentes (formas geométricas, farinha, barro, ferro, pilhas de diários etc.) estão “sentadas” em cadeiras bebendo cerveja. O líquido desaparece dos copos através de um sistema invisível criado pelo artista. Um garçom se move pela instalação e enche continuamente os copos com uma cerveja.
Twenty-four different sculptures (geometric shapes, flour, clay, iron, stacks of journals, etc.) are “sitting” on chairs drinking beer. The liquid disappears from the glasses through an invisible system created by the artist. A waiter moves through the installation and continuously refills the glasses with a cold beer.
Twenty-four different sculptures (geometric shapes, flour, clay, iron, stacks of journals, etc.) are “sitting” on chairs drinking beer. The liquid disappears from the glasses through an invisible system created by the artist. A waiter moves through the installation and continuously refills the glasses with a cold beer.