Laura Lima
Lúmbrio #10, 2023
tecido, neoprene, espuma, cabo de guarda chuvas
[fabric, neoprene, foam, umbrella's holders]
[fabric, neoprene, foam, umbrella's holders]
240 x 55 x 55 cm
[94 1/2 x 21 5/8 x 21 5/8 in]
3.2 kg
[94 1/2 x 21 5/8 x 21 5/8 in]
3.2 kg
Copyright The Artist
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Lúmbrios surgem em 2023, na segunda produção do Balé Literal (2019-2023). São esculturas em forma de guarda-chuvas de grandes proporções, que ultrapassam a estatura humana, feitas com tecido impermeável preto....
Lúmbrios surgem em 2023, na segunda produção do Balé Literal (2019-2023). São esculturas em forma de guarda-chuvas de grandes proporções, que ultrapassam a estatura humana, feitas com tecido impermeável preto. As obras podem evocar uma imagética sombria e misteriosa, partindo de um imaginário de contos perpassados pelo surrealismo. Pensados pela primeira vez no contexto do Balé Literal (no qual as obras são expostas em movimento no alto, suspensas por um cabo), os guarda-chuvas são gárgulas feitas de alta-costura. Distintos entre si por variações estilísticas e estéticas, se estabelecem dentro de uma tradição de alfaiataria já consolidada na obra de Lima. Apesar de o conjunto surgir no universo do Balé Literal, as obras podem ser posicionadas de distintas formas para além da verticalidade suspensa gerada pelo olhar de baixo para cima. Lúmbrios, por esse jogo com a perspectiva e as formas de se olhar algo que parece, à primeira vista, familiar, têm traços inquietantes ou desconcertantes, remetendo a uma estranheza que marca a trajetória da artista.
Lumbrios appear in 2023, in the second production of Balé Literal (2019-2023). They are umbrella-shaped sculptures of large proportions, which exceed the human height, made with black waterproof fabric. The works can evoke a dark and mysterious imagery, based on a realm of short stories permeated by surrealism. Conceived for the first time in the context of the Literal Ballet (in which the works are displayed in motion at the top, suspended by a cable), the umbrellas are gargoyles made of haute couture. Distinguished from each other by stylistic and aesthetic variations, they are established within a tailoring tradition already consolidated in Lima's work. Although the set appears in the universe of Literal Ballet, the works can be positioned in different ways beyond the suspended verticality generated by looking from the bottom up. Lumbrios, due to this game with perspective and the ways of looking at something that might, at first sight, seem familiar, have disturbing or disconcerting traits, referring to a strangeness that marks the artist's trajectory.
Lumbrios appear in 2023, in the second production of Balé Literal (2019-2023). They are umbrella-shaped sculptures of large proportions, which exceed the human height, made with black waterproof fabric. The works can evoke a dark and mysterious imagery, based on a realm of short stories permeated by surrealism. Conceived for the first time in the context of the Literal Ballet (in which the works are displayed in motion at the top, suspended by a cable), the umbrellas are gargoyles made of haute couture. Distinguished from each other by stylistic and aesthetic variations, they are established within a tailoring tradition already consolidated in Lima's work. Although the set appears in the universe of Literal Ballet, the works can be positioned in different ways beyond the suspended verticality generated by looking from the bottom up. Lumbrios, due to this game with perspective and the ways of looking at something that might, at first sight, seem familiar, have disturbing or disconcerting traits, referring to a strangeness that marks the artist's trajectory.
A obra retornou com o cabo danificado da feira Art Basel Suiça em 2023.In the gallery
Art Basel 2023 | Basel | Suíça | 2023 [13-18.06]