Rose Afefé
Antes da chuva chegar, 2024
acrílica sobre tela, areia, pô xadrez, gesso, cola, arame, pregador e prego
[acrylic on canvas, sand, xadrez powder, plaster, glue, wire, clothes peg and nail]
[acrylic on canvas, sand, xadrez powder, plaster, glue, wire, clothes peg and nail]
80 x 130 x 3 cm
[31 1/2 x 51 1/8 x 1 1/8 in]
4.7 kg
[31 1/2 x 51 1/8 x 1 1/8 in]
4.7 kg
Copyright The Artist
'Eu gostava de olhar a sombra da roupa estendida no arame. A sombra dançava com o vento e mudava o desenho. Toda vez que tinha sol, tinha roupa. Toda vez...
"Eu gostava de olhar a sombra da roupa estendida no arame.
A sombra dançava com o vento e mudava o desenho.
Toda vez que tinha sol, tinha roupa.
Toda vez que chovia, o arame ficava vazio.
Só os pregadores e as gotas da chuva." - Rose Afefé
["I liked looking at the shadow of the clothes on the wire.
The shadow danced with the wind and changed the drawing.
Every time it was sunny, there were clothes.
Every time it rained, the wire was empty.
Just the nails and the raindrops." - Rose Afefé]
A sombra dançava com o vento e mudava o desenho.
Toda vez que tinha sol, tinha roupa.
Toda vez que chovia, o arame ficava vazio.
Só os pregadores e as gotas da chuva." - Rose Afefé
["I liked looking at the shadow of the clothes on the wire.
The shadow danced with the wind and changed the drawing.
Every time it was sunny, there were clothes.
Every time it rained, the wire was empty.
Just the nails and the raindrops." - Rose Afefé]