Denilson Baniwa
Boca do Céu, 2023
acrílica sobre tela
[acrylic on canvas]
[acrylic on canvas]
150 diâmetro
4 cm profundidade
[59 in diameter
1 5/8 in depth]
9.5 kg
4 cm profundidade
[59 in diameter
1 5/8 in depth]
9.5 kg
Further images
'São múltiplos os estratos que constituem o universo da cosmologia baniwa. Camadas que se ligam às divindades, espíritos, outras gentes e elementos, conectando o que está abaixo e acima da...
"São múltiplos os estratos que constituem o universo da cosmologia baniwa. Camadas que se ligam às divindades, espíritos, outras gentes e elementos, conectando o que está abaixo e acima da terra. Acima da terra, em uma dessas camadas, está o lugar que é fonte de todos os remédios, onde se encontra Nhiãperikuli, ser supremo responsável pela forma do mundo.
A essa complexa cosmologia, Denilson Baniwa atou outras produções, A queda do céu, de Davi Kopenawa e Futuro Ancestral, de Ailton Krenak, para elaborar sua obra – “Boca do céu”.
A obra apresentada em círculo no qual o artista desenvolveu imagens com referências a partir de sua pesquisa sobre os petróglifos do Alto Rio Negro, representando as conexões entre seres do mundo indígena, atando camadas temporais e espaciais e apontando para a integridade do mundo, no qual qualquer movimento se desdobra e reverbera, com consequências universais." - Mirtes Marins de Oliveira
["There are many layers that make up the universe of Baniwa cosmology. Layers that connect to deities, spirits, other people and elements, connecting what is below and above the earth. Above the earth, in one of these layers, is the place that is the source of all medicines, where Nhiãperikuli, the supreme being responsible for the shape of the world, is located.
To this complex cosmology, Denilson Baniwa linked other productions, The Fall of Heaven, by Davi Kopenawa and Ancestral Future, by Ailton Krenak, to create his work “Mouth of Heaven”.
The work was presented in a circle in which the artist developed images with references from his research into the petroglyphs of the Upper Rio Negro, representing the connections between beings in the indigenous world, tying together temporal and spatial layers and pointing to the integrity of the world, in which any movement unfolds and reverberates, with universal consequences." - Mirtes Marins de Oliveira]
A essa complexa cosmologia, Denilson Baniwa atou outras produções, A queda do céu, de Davi Kopenawa e Futuro Ancestral, de Ailton Krenak, para elaborar sua obra – “Boca do céu”.
A obra apresentada em círculo no qual o artista desenvolveu imagens com referências a partir de sua pesquisa sobre os petróglifos do Alto Rio Negro, representando as conexões entre seres do mundo indígena, atando camadas temporais e espaciais e apontando para a integridade do mundo, no qual qualquer movimento se desdobra e reverbera, com consequências universais." - Mirtes Marins de Oliveira
["There are many layers that make up the universe of Baniwa cosmology. Layers that connect to deities, spirits, other people and elements, connecting what is below and above the earth. Above the earth, in one of these layers, is the place that is the source of all medicines, where Nhiãperikuli, the supreme being responsible for the shape of the world, is located.
To this complex cosmology, Denilson Baniwa linked other productions, The Fall of Heaven, by Davi Kopenawa and Ancestral Future, by Ailton Krenak, to create his work “Mouth of Heaven”.
The work was presented in a circle in which the artist developed images with references from his research into the petroglyphs of the Upper Rio Negro, representing the connections between beings in the indigenous world, tying together temporal and spatial layers and pointing to the integrity of the world, in which any movement unfolds and reverberates, with universal consequences." - Mirtes Marins de Oliveira]