Denilson Baniwa
Roubo das Flautas, 2023
acrílica sobre zagaia de ferro (arpão de pesca)
[acrylic on iron Zagaia (fishing harpoon)]
[acrylic on iron Zagaia (fishing harpoon)]
179 x 55 cm
[70 1/2 x 21 5/8 in]
[70 1/2 x 21 5/8 in]
Further images
A mitologia Baniwa conta que, antigamente, os homens dominavam a humanidade das mulheres. Isto ocorreu até a revolta delas, que se concretizou no evento do roubo dos objetos de poder...
A mitologia Baniwa conta que, antigamente, os homens dominavam a humanidade das mulheres. Isto ocorreu até a revolta delas, que se concretizou no evento do roubo dos objetos de poder dos homens, as flautas, que continham em si o conhecimento de todo o universo. Depois do rapto, as mulheres tiveram acesso a este conhecimento e assim conseguiram reestabelecer o equilíbrio entre os sexos neste mundo.
Baniwa mythology states that, in ancient times, men dominated women's humanity. This occurred until their revolt, which materialized in the event of the theft of men's objects of power, the flutes, which contained within themselves the knowledge of the entire universe. After the abduction, women had access to this knowledge and thus managed to re-establish the balance between the sexes in this world.
Baniwa mythology states that, in ancient times, men dominated women's humanity. This occurred until their revolt, which materialized in the event of the theft of men's objects of power, the flutes, which contained within themselves the knowledge of the entire universe. After the abduction, women had access to this knowledge and thus managed to re-establish the balance between the sexes in this world.