Art Basel 2023

13 - 18 Jun 2023 

For Art Basel 2023, A Gentil Carioca’s booth pay tribute to and translates this contemporary bohemian spirit of Rio de Janeiro, recreating the atmosphere of “boteco” (as we call this carioca type of bar, in Brazil), a familiar destination for cariocas where remarkable meetings, exchanges and creations for Brazilian culture are gestured. In this crib for democratic dialogues and new ideas, a special selection of works sits at the table and participate in the conversation. Artists: Agrade Camíz, Aleta Valente, Ana Linnemann, Arjan Martins, Cabelo, Denilson Baniwa, Jarbas Lopes, João Modé, José Bento, Laura Lima, Marcela Cantuária, Maria Laet, Maria Nepomuceno, Maxwell Alexandre, Novíssimo Edgar, OPAVIVARÁ!, Renata Lucas, Rodrigo Torres, Vinicius Gerheim and Vivian Caccuri.