Bruno Pinheiro, Besouro Mangangá, 2023
pintura acrílica e caneta posca sobre tela
[acrylic painting and posca pen on canvas]
[acrylic painting and posca pen on canvas]
50 x 40 x 1,5 cm
[19 44/64 x 15 48/64 x 25/64 in]
[19 44/64 x 15 48/64 x 25/64 in]
Copyright O Artista
Obra inspirada nas lendas sobre a vida de Manoel Henrique Pereira, exímio capoeirista que lutava contra injustiças e defendia os mais pobres da opressão dos poderosos, viveu no ínicio do...
Obra inspirada nas lendas sobre a vida de Manoel Henrique Pereira, exímio capoeirista que lutava contra injustiças e defendia os mais pobres da opressão dos poderosos, viveu no ínicio do séc.XX, na Bahia, Brasil. A origem de seu apelido, Besouro Mangangá, possui duas versões: a primeira, devido aos seus movimentos rápidos na capoeira; a segunda, lutando contra a violência policial e se vendo cercado, ele teria sumido diante dos olhos de todos, se criando a lenda de que teria se transformado em um besouro e voado. O capoeirista presenteava seus amigos com uma pena de pavão retirada dos chapéus dos valentões do Recôncavo Baiano, com quem brigava. No dia 8 de julho de 1924, Manoel morre em uma emboscada, mas segue vivo nas rodas de capoeira.
Inspired by legends about the life of Manoel Henrique Pereira, an excellent capoeirista who fought against injustice and defended the poorest from the oppression of the powerful, he lived at the beginning of the 20th century in Bahia, Brazil. The origin of his nickname, Besouro Mangangá, has two versions: the first, due to his fast capoeira movements; the second, fighting against police violence and finding himself surrounded, he disappeared before everyone's eyes, creating the legend that he turned into a beetle and flew away. The capoeirista would present his friends with a peacock feather taken from the hats of the bullies from the Recôncavo Baiano, with whom he fought. On July 8, 1924, Manoel died in an ambush, but lived on in the capoeira circles.
Inspired by legends about the life of Manoel Henrique Pereira, an excellent capoeirista who fought against injustice and defended the poorest from the oppression of the powerful, he lived at the beginning of the 20th century in Bahia, Brazil. The origin of his nickname, Besouro Mangangá, has two versions: the first, due to his fast capoeira movements; the second, fighting against police violence and finding himself surrounded, he disappeared before everyone's eyes, creating the legend that he turned into a beetle and flew away. The capoeirista would present his friends with a peacock feather taken from the hats of the bullies from the Recôncavo Baiano, with whom he fought. On July 8, 1924, Manoel died in an ambush, but lived on in the capoeira circles.