Rafael Simba, Todo mundo vai ao circo, 2023
acrílica sobre tela
[acrylic on canvas]
[acrylic on canvas]
135 x 127 cm
[53 10/64 x 50 in]
[53 10/64 x 50 in]
Copyright O Artista
“O Circo chegou” e “Ciranda de erê” são obras que nasceram no início das pesquisas da mais recente série de pinturas: “Jardins de infância”. A série, que ainda está em...
“O Circo chegou” e “Ciranda de erê” são obras que nasceram no início das pesquisas da mais recente série de pinturas: “Jardins de infância”. A série, que ainda está em desenvolvimento, fala principalmente sobre o universo infantil, sobre o sonho e a fantasia que carregamos quando deixamos que nossas mentes entrem em contato com nossa criança interior. Uma série muito influenciada pela paternidade, por viver e observar o crescimento do meu filho e a sua construção de universo. Seus brinquedos e músicas infantis me instigaram a pintar telas em contato com as crianças que vivem dentro de nós.
Viva os erês!
"O Circo chegou" and "Ciranda de erê" are works that were born at the beginning of the research for the most recent series of paintings: "Jardins de infância". The series, which is still in development, talks mainly about the universe of childhood, about the dreams and fantasies we carry when we allow our minds to get in touch with our inner child. It's a series heavily influenced by parenthood, by living with and observing my son's growth and his construction of his universe. His toys and children's songs encouraged me to paint canvases in contact with the children who live inside us.
Long live the erês!
Viva os erês!
"O Circo chegou" and "Ciranda de erê" are works that were born at the beginning of the research for the most recent series of paintings: "Jardins de infância". The series, which is still in development, talks mainly about the universe of childhood, about the dreams and fantasies we carry when we allow our minds to get in touch with our inner child. It's a series heavily influenced by parenthood, by living with and observing my son's growth and his construction of his universe. His toys and children's songs encouraged me to paint canvases in contact with the children who live inside us.
Long live the erês!