Natha Calhova, Glomeradinhos, 2020
balas de goma e pontas de alfinetes
[gumdrops and pin tips]
[gumdrops and pin tips]
dimensões variáveis
[variable dimensions]
[variable dimensions]
Copyright O Artista
Pensando a maciez vinculada a situações de contradição das sensações, um primeiro estímulo surge da passagem do livro A Redoma de Vidro de Sylvia Plath, mencionando insetos vagarosos em uma...
Pensando a maciez vinculada a situações de contradição das sensações, um primeiro estímulo surge da passagem do livro A Redoma de Vidro de Sylvia Plath, mencionando insetos vagarosos em uma atmosfera melancólica presente em toda a narrativa, sugerem uma angustiante imagem mental de um animal que rasteja, algo mole/macio e ao mesmo tempo incômodo. Percebo nesses animais, como as taturanas e as lagartas, uma certa armadilha da própria natureza, bichos atraentes, que no entanto, possuem várias pontas que queimam. A bala de goma, o doce que convoca a boca e as pontas de alfinetes que fazem questionar o desejo. O acúmulo de pequenas criaturas doces e perfurantes.
Thinking about softness in relation to situations of contradiction of sensations, a first stimulus comes from the passage in Sylvia Plath's book The Bell Jar, mentioning slow-moving insects in a melancholic atmosphere present throughout the narrative, suggesting a distressing mental image of a crawling animal, something soft and uncomfortable at the same time. I perceive in these animals, such as the taturanas and the caterpillars, a certain trap of nature itself, attractive animals that nevertheless have several burning edges. The gummy candy, the sweet that summons the mouth and the pin pricks that make you question your desire. The accumulation of sweet and piercing little creatures.
Thinking about softness in relation to situations of contradiction of sensations, a first stimulus comes from the passage in Sylvia Plath's book The Bell Jar, mentioning slow-moving insects in a melancholic atmosphere present throughout the narrative, suggesting a distressing mental image of a crawling animal, something soft and uncomfortable at the same time. I perceive in these animals, such as the taturanas and the caterpillars, a certain trap of nature itself, attractive animals that nevertheless have several burning edges. The gummy candy, the sweet that summons the mouth and the pin pricks that make you question your desire. The accumulation of sweet and piercing little creatures.