Medusa, Guindaste, 2023
acrílica sobre tela
[acrylic on canvas]
[acrylic on canvas]
100 x 60 cm díptico
[39 24/64 x 23 40/64 in diptych]
[39 24/64 x 23 40/64 in diptych]
Copyright O Artista
No díptico Guindaste, Medusa explora o uso de camadas concentradas de tinta, criando relevo através do excesso e da sobreposição, inspirada na forma como os vendedores ilegais expõem suas mercadorias....
No díptico Guindaste, Medusa explora o uso de camadas concentradas de tinta, criando relevo através do excesso e da sobreposição, inspirada na forma como os vendedores ilegais expõem suas mercadorias. Nesta obra, Medusa traz de forma abstrata o gesto corpóreo dos trabalhadores, remetendo a estruturas rochosas, duras e resistentes em suas camadas, ao mesmo tempo em que oferece a possibilidade de fuga à opacidade dos dias ao utilizar tons de azul que remetem ao céu, ao espaço, e à sensação de liberdade trazida pelo ato de sonhar.
In the diptych Guindaste, Medusa explores the use of concentrated layers of paint, creating relief through excess and overlap, inspired by the way illegal vendors display their goods. In this work, Medusa abstracts the corporeal gesture of the workers, referring to rocky structures, hard and resistant in their layers, while at the same time offering the possibility of escaping the opacity of the days by using shades of blue that refer to the sky, to space, and to the feeling of freedom brought on by the act of dreaming.
In the diptych Guindaste, Medusa explores the use of concentrated layers of paint, creating relief through excess and overlap, inspired by the way illegal vendors display their goods. In this work, Medusa abstracts the corporeal gesture of the workers, referring to rocky structures, hard and resistant in their layers, while at the same time offering the possibility of escaping the opacity of the days by using shades of blue that refer to the sky, to space, and to the feeling of freedom brought on by the act of dreaming.