Matheus Pires, Humilitas, 2022
Edition of 5
Copyright O Artista
Em ‘Humilitas’, observamos o processo de degelo de quatro letras de gelo que formam a palavra ‘casa’ e que foram expostas ao sol de uma tarde cerratense. Interesso-me pelo conteúdo...
Em ‘Humilitas’, observamos o processo de degelo de quatro letras de gelo que formam a palavra ‘casa’ e que foram expostas ao sol de uma tarde cerratense. Interesso-me pelo conteúdo simbólico denotado pela palavra, sobretudo na observância do período notadamente lúgubre da pandemia de Covid19, marcado também por grandes tensionamentos políticos e intersubjetivos. Confrontado pela insurgência imponente do espaço das cercanias de onde habito, extraído de sua pretensa banalidade, inspiro-me aqui no geógrafo Eric Dardel em sua leitura em dimensão poética sobre a necessidade de proteção, de se abater contra a terra (humus), se abrigar, humilhar – a humilitas, em sua raíz etimológica.
In 'Humilitas', we observe the process of melting four letters of ice that form the word 'casa' and which have been exposed to the sun of an afternoon in the cerrado. I am interested in the symbolic content denoted by the word, especially when observing the notoriously lugubrious period of the Covid-19 pandemic, which was also marked by great political and intersubjective tensions. Confronted by the imposing insurgency of the space around where I live, extracted from its supposed banality, I am inspired here by the geographer Eric Dardel in his poetic reading of the need for protection, to fall against the earth (humus), to take shelter, to humiliate - humilitas, in its etymological root.
In 'Humilitas', we observe the process of melting four letters of ice that form the word 'casa' and which have been exposed to the sun of an afternoon in the cerrado. I am interested in the symbolic content denoted by the word, especially when observing the notoriously lugubrious period of the Covid-19 pandemic, which was also marked by great political and intersubjective tensions. Confronted by the imposing insurgency of the space around where I live, extracted from its supposed banality, I am inspired here by the geographer Eric Dardel in his poetic reading of the need for protection, to fall against the earth (humus), to take shelter, to humiliate - humilitas, in its etymological root.