Carlos Matos, Os mais conhecidos (Most Wanted), 2019
neon de led e giroflex
[led neon and gyroflex]
[led neon and gyroflex]
28 x 30 x 50 cm
[11 2/64 x 11 52/64 x 19 44/64 in]
[11 2/64 x 11 52/64 x 19 44/64 in]
Copyright O Artista
O nome “Silva” tem seus primórdios na antiga Península Ibérica. Com a colonização brasileira no século 16, os portugueses migraram para o Brasil e popularizaram o hoje tão conhecido nome....
O nome “Silva” tem seus primórdios na antiga Península Ibérica. Com a colonização brasileira no século 16, os portugueses migraram para o Brasil e popularizaram o hoje tão conhecido nome. Na época, era comum nomear um escravizado com o sobrenome do dono, de modo a identificá-lo. Com o tempo, conforme esses escravizados geraram suas famílias e conquistaram sua liberdade, o sobrenome foi repercutindo e dando sua popularidade contemporânea.
The name "Silva" has its origins in the ancient Iberian Peninsula. With the colonization of Brazil in the 16th century, the Portuguese migrated to Brazil and popularized the now well-known name. At the time, it was common to name an enslaved person with the owner's surname, in order to identify them. Over time, as these enslaved people started families and gained their freedom, the surname spread and gained its contemporary popularity.
The name "Silva" has its origins in the ancient Iberian Peninsula. With the colonization of Brazil in the 16th century, the Portuguese migrated to Brazil and popularized the now well-known name. At the time, it was common to name an enslaved person with the owner's surname, in order to identify them. Over time, as these enslaved people started families and gained their freedom, the surname spread and gained its contemporary popularity.