RHAY, Irawo, 2023
acrílica sobre tela
[acrylic on canvas]
[acrylic on canvas]
70 x 70 cm
27 1/2 x 27 1/2 in
27 1/2 x 27 1/2 in
Copyright O Artista
Arte concebida a partir do registro fotográfico de uma viagem a Salvador, local onde iniciou sua pesquisa sobre serralheria artística durante o período colonial e que traça um paralelo com...
Arte concebida a partir do registro fotográfico de uma viagem a Salvador, local onde iniciou sua pesquisa sobre serralheria artística durante o período colonial e que traça um paralelo com a arte vitral devido aos diversos pontos em comum. As suas pinturas abstratas seguem esse fluxo em busca de juntar esses dois mundos. Irawo significa estrela em Iorubá.
Art conceived from the photographic record of a trip to Salvador, where he began his research into artistic metalwork during the colonial period and which draws a parallel with stained glass art due to the many points in common. His abstract paintings follow this flow, seeking to bring these two worlds together. Irawo means star in Yoruba.
Art conceived from the photographic record of a trip to Salvador, where he began his research into artistic metalwork during the colonial period and which draws a parallel with stained glass art due to the many points in common. His abstract paintings follow this flow, seeking to bring these two worlds together. Irawo means star in Yoruba.