Luiz Pasqualini, A Dama de Todas as Noites, 2023
óleo sobre tela
[oil on canvas]
[oil on canvas]
60 x 50 x 4 cm
23 5/8 x 19 3/4 x 1 5/8 in
1.0 kg
23 5/8 x 19 3/4 x 1 5/8 in
1.0 kg
Copyright O Artista
A Ciça apareceu no bar outra noite. Foi a primeira de muitas que a vi ali. Falou de seu trabalho e se queixou de alguns problemas. Muito bem vestida e...
A Ciça apareceu no bar outra noite. Foi a primeira de muitas que a vi ali. Falou de seu trabalho e se queixou de alguns problemas. Muito bem vestida e perfumada. Sempre demonstrando alegria. Todos temos problemas. A pintura pra mim não é um problema, é só sentar e as coisas acontecem. Às vezes o mais difícil é parar de frente ao cavalete. É preciso estar bem e lutar contra esses problemas. Mil coisas batendo sem parar. Eu pinto sobre a vida. A Ciça sempre sorri. E essa coragem de quem vive essa vida, me faz seguir.
Ciça turned up at the bar the other night. It was the first of many nights I'd seen her there. She talked about her work and complained about some problems. She was very well dressed and perfumed. Always cheerful. We all have problems. Painting isn't a problem for me, I just sit down and things happen. Sometimes the hardest thing is to stop in front of the easel. You have to be well and fight these problems. A thousand things hitting me non-stop. I paint about life. Ciça always smiles. And the courage of someone who lives this life keeps me going.
Ciça turned up at the bar the other night. It was the first of many nights I'd seen her there. She talked about her work and complained about some problems. She was very well dressed and perfumed. Always cheerful. We all have problems. Painting isn't a problem for me, I just sit down and things happen. Sometimes the hardest thing is to stop in front of the easel. You have to be well and fight these problems. A thousand things hitting me non-stop. I paint about life. Ciça always smiles. And the courage of someone who lives this life keeps me going.