Maria Nepomuceno
Gira #1, 2023
cordas, contas, barro, cerâmica e resina
[strings, beads, clay, ceramics and resin]
[strings, beads, clay, ceramics and resin]
200 x 180 x 32 cm
[78 3/4 x 70 7/8 x 12 5/8 in]
47 kg
[78 3/4 x 70 7/8 x 12 5/8 in]
47 kg
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Em 'Gira', memórias de um imaginário poético e pessoal tornam-se matéria-prima com a qual a artista acessa as próprias origens, trazendo materiais e símbolos ancestrais como mantras de formas que...
Em "Gira", memórias de um imaginário poético e pessoal tornam-se matéria-prima com a qual a artista acessa as próprias origens, trazendo materiais e símbolos ancestrais como mantras de formas que se repetem e se concretizam nas obras. Elementos como a palha trançada fazem referência à figura do cordão umbilical - um conector de gerações que perpetua o ciclo vital e se materializa em espirais nas criações de Maria. As obras são organismos vivos que compõem uma natureza imaginária, sugerindo uma ideia de circularidade, movimento e constante expansão.
In "Gira", memories of a poetic and personal imaginary become raw material with which the artist accesses her own origins, bringing ancestral materials and symbols as mantras in ways that are repeated and materialized in the works. Elements such as the braided straw make reference to the figure of the umbilical cord - a connector of generations that perpetuates the life cycle and materializes itself in spirals in Maria's creations. The works are living organisms that make up an imaginary nature, suggesting an idea of circularity, movement and constant expansion.
In "Gira", memories of a poetic and personal imaginary become raw material with which the artist accesses her own origins, bringing ancestral materials and symbols as mantras in ways that are repeated and materialized in the works. Elements such as the braided straw make reference to the figure of the umbilical cord - a connector of generations that perpetuates the life cycle and materializes itself in spirals in Maria's creations. The works are living organisms that make up an imaginary nature, suggesting an idea of circularity, movement and constant expansion.
Na galeria
Maria Nepomuceno & Valentina Liernur - Projeto Condo | A Gentil Carioca | São Paulo | 2023 [25.03 - 05.05]