Rodrigo Torres
Colar das Horas, 2018
tinta acrílica e verniz sobre cerâmica, fio de aço [acrylic paint and varnish over ceramics steel wire]
dimensões variadas [variable dimensions]
A minha proposta consiste na apresentação de um enorme colar formado por dezenas de simulacros de cigarros de maconha. Esses cigarros são na verdade feitos em cerâmica pintada com tinta...
A minha proposta consiste na apresentação de um enorme colar formado por dezenas de simulacros de cigarros de maconha. Esses cigarros são na verdade feitos em cerâmica pintada com tinta acrílica. Esse colar se refere diretamente aos colares religiosos, como o budista por exemplo, que auxilia na contagem dos mantras, ou o terço católico para contar as orações. No caso do Colar das Horas a proposta também é meditativa, porém a contagem se refere à passagem do tempo em si, em estado contemplativo. A manufatura dessas peças é muito semelhante à do cigarro real, porque a argila é de fato enrolada em papel seda para adquirir sua textura, além disso, a queima também se faz presente quando a argila vai ao forno e fica incandescente, ou seja, a proposta do ritual também se reflete no fazer da obra. Esse é um trabalho que pode se estender indefinidamente e dessa forma ocupar diferentes áreas de maneira versátil, portanto a formatação final está aberta para se adequar ao espaço expositivo. Entretanto, a minha proposta a princípio visa a apresentação dessa obra no formato de um grande círculo suspenso no ar por fios de nylon.
My proposal is to present a huge necklace made up of dozens of marijuana cigarette simulations. These cigarettes are actually made of ceramic painted with acrylic paint. This necklace directly refers to religious necklaces, such as the Buddhist for example, which helps in counting the mantras, or the Catholic rosary to count the prayers. In the case of Colar das Horas the proposal is also meditative, however the counting refers to the passage of time itself, in a contemplative state. The manufacture of these pieces is very similar to that of the real cigarette, because the clay is of fact wrapped in tissue paper to acquire its texture, in addition, the burning is also is present when the clay goes to the oven and becomes incandescent, that is, the proposal of the ritual is also reflected in the making of the work. This is a job that can go on indefinitely and thus occupy different areas in a versatile way, so the final format is open to adapt to the exhibition space. However, my proposal at first aims to presentation of this work in the form of a large circle suspended in the air by nylon.
My proposal is to present a huge necklace made up of dozens of marijuana cigarette simulations. These cigarettes are actually made of ceramic painted with acrylic paint. This necklace directly refers to religious necklaces, such as the Buddhist for example, which helps in counting the mantras, or the Catholic rosary to count the prayers. In the case of Colar das Horas the proposal is also meditative, however the counting refers to the passage of time itself, in a contemplative state. The manufacture of these pieces is very similar to that of the real cigarette, because the clay is of fact wrapped in tissue paper to acquire its texture, in addition, the burning is also is present when the clay goes to the oven and becomes incandescent, that is, the proposal of the ritual is also reflected in the making of the work. This is a job that can go on indefinitely and thus occupy different areas in a versatile way, so the final format is open to adapt to the exhibition space. However, my proposal at first aims to presentation of this work in the form of a large circle suspended in the air by nylon.