[urinal, peanuts and people]
[20 7/8 x 13 x 13 in]
10.9 kg
Mais imagens
E é para a potência do que é o corpo que peço um brinde.
Para comemorar os fluidos.
Para perceber a indução, e é nessa percepção que habita as obras da OPAVIVARÁ, como um canto de guerra, que nos alerta.
Aqui o ponto final é percebido e retirado, engolido, deglutido, consumido e esquecido, este sim.
Um convite, estejam prontos para lembrar.
– Keyna Eleison, Abril de 2019
The works of OPAVIVARÁ place us in a position of activity. Enjoyment is active. More than an activation of the object, more than the activation of the body, more than the public-work activation. It is an activity of the original memory of the whole. They are public calls for intimacy, like invitations to a collective pelvis, a pulsation of sap, pubic hair, groans and rhythms that enrapture with the approval of each and every one that passes through here. (...)
And it is to the potential of what the body is that I call for a toast.
To celebrate the fluids.
To perceive the induction, and it is in this perception that OPAVIVARÁ's works inhabit, like a war song, which alerts us.
Here the final periof is perceived and removed, swallowed, consumed and forgotten.
An invitation, be ready to remember.
– Keyna Eleison, April 2019
Na galeria
Art Basel 2023 | Basel | Suíça | 2023 [13-18.06]