Arjan Martins
[acrylic on canvas]
[55 1/8 x 47 1/4 in each]
140 x 240x 8 cm díptico
[55 1/8 x 94 1/2 in dyptich]
8.7 kg cada [each]
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Arjan Martins' painting goes beyond traces of the past and becomes an opportunity for a cyclical time, the dialogue with the anachronism of time is latent and the pictorial space reveals a political claim. The right to life for black bodies is constantly presented on Martins' canvases, the work in question therefore presents a woman without a face (always present in the artist’s work, appreciating the ideia of a people instead of the individual), the strength and beauty erased in an image of absence, a kind of communication of lack.
Na galeria
Art Basel 2023 | Basel | Suíça | 2023 [13-18.06]