Laura Lima
Curupira, 2020
desenho tecitura com fios de algodão cru tingidos com técnicas naturais
[drawing weave with raw cotton threads dyed with natural techniques]
[drawing weave with raw cotton threads dyed with natural techniques]
260 x 210 cm
[102 3/8 x 82 5/8 in]
15 kg
[102 3/8 x 82 5/8 in]
15 kg
Copyright O Artista
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Através de uma trama de cordas de algodão, tingidas naturalmente com alimentos e ervas, a artista trabalha a urdidura das linhas. “Curupira” toma forma de um desenho tecido com fios,...
Através de uma trama de cordas de algodão, tingidas naturalmente com alimentos e ervas, a artista trabalha a urdidura das linhas. “Curupira” toma forma de um desenho tecido com fios, que se atravessam em dimensões agigantadas, formando relações mitológicas, monstruosas, conexões frenéticas que embaralham os olhos e oferecem sensações alucinógenas. Os materiais se tornam ingredientes, a dimensão do cozer, colorir, fixar e tramar alinhavam as misturas químicas e estéticas.
Through a weave of cotton ropes, naturally dyed with food and herbs, the artist works the warp of the threads. “Curupira” takes the form of a woven draw with threads, which cross in gigantic dimensions, forming mythological, monstrous relationships, frantic connections that mess the eyes and offer hallucinogenic sensations. The materials become ingredients, the dimension of cooking, coloring, fixing and weaving tack the chemical and aesthetic mixtures.
Through a weave of cotton ropes, naturally dyed with food and herbs, the artist works the warp of the threads. “Curupira” takes the form of a woven draw with threads, which cross in gigantic dimensions, forming mythological, monstrous relationships, frantic connections that mess the eyes and offer hallucinogenic sensations. The materials become ingredients, the dimension of cooking, coloring, fixing and weaving tack the chemical and aesthetic mixtures.
Na galeria
Frieze Online Viewing Room | Online Art Fair | 09.10.2020 to 16.10.2020SP Arte 365 | Online Exhibition | 2020
ArtNexus | Online Viewing Room | 2020
Art Basel I Miami EUA I 2021 [30nov - 04dez]