Laura Lima
Pelos (H=c/M=c), 1997/2010
Homem=carne/Mulher=carne, pelos e rede
[Man = meat / Woman = meat, hair and net]
[Man = meat / Woman = meat, hair and net]
dimensões variadas [variable dimensios]
Edition of 3 plus 1 artist's proof
Mais imagens
Consiste em uma rede de aproximadamente 25 metros que atravessa o espaço expositivo. Ali, descansa um casal de forma silenciosa e extremamente relaxada. Ambos nus, ele tem as sobrancelhas estendidas,...
Consiste em uma rede de aproximadamente 25 metros que atravessa o espaço expositivo. Ali, descansa um casal de forma silenciosa e extremamente relaxada. Ambos nus, ele tem as sobrancelhas estendidas, ela pelos pubianos alongados, que tocam o chão.
Consisted of a network of approximately 25 meters that crosses the exhibition space. There, rests a couple in silence and extremely relaxed. Both naked, he has his eyebrows extended, she has elongated pubic hairs, which touch the floor.
Consisted of a network of approximately 25 meters that crosses the exhibition space. There, rests a couple in silence and extremely relaxed. Both naked, he has his eyebrows extended, she has elongated pubic hairs, which touch the floor.