Laura Lima
Pé-de-garrafa, 2024
fios de algodão cru tingidos com pigmentos naturais
[raw cotton threads dyed by natural pigments]
[raw cotton threads dyed by natural pigments]
170 x 85 x 25 cm
[66 7/8 x 33 1/2 x 9 7/8 in]
4.6 kg
[66 7/8 x 33 1/2 x 9 7/8 in]
4.6 kg
Copyright O Artista
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Desenhos-tessituras agigantados feitos a partir de fios de algodão cru tingidos com técnicas naturais. Levam tempo para serem tecidos e são extraídos de um imaginário de figuras com mitologias complexas,...
Desenhos-tessituras agigantados feitos a partir de fios de algodão cru tingidos com técnicas naturais. Levam tempo para serem tecidos e são extraídos de um imaginário de figuras com mitologias complexas, muitas vezes provenientes do folclore brasileiro. Um homem selvagem com cabelos longos, chifres, garras grandes, com apenas um olho na testa e um pé só em forma de garrafa: essas são as características do Pé-de-Garrafa, um personagem do folclore muito conhecido no estado do Mato Grosso. Conta a lenda que essa criatura vive na mata cuidando dos animais e com uivos espanta os caçadores que se aproximam da floresta.
[Large fabric designs made from raw cotton threads dyed using natural techniques. They take time to weave and are drawn from an imaginary of figures with complex mythologies, often from Brazilian folklore. A wild man with long hair, horns, big claws, only one eye on his forehead and a single foot in the shape of a bottle: these are the characteristics of the Pé-de-Garrafa, a folklore character well known in the state of Mato Grosso. Legend has it that this creature lives in the forest looking after the animals and howls to scare off hunters who approach the forest.]
[Large fabric designs made from raw cotton threads dyed using natural techniques. They take time to weave and are drawn from an imaginary of figures with complex mythologies, often from Brazilian folklore. A wild man with long hair, horns, big claws, only one eye on his forehead and a single foot in the shape of a bottle: these are the characteristics of the Pé-de-Garrafa, a folklore character well known in the state of Mato Grosso. Legend has it that this creature lives in the forest looking after the animals and howls to scare off hunters who approach the forest.]