Vivian Caccuri
Pagode Mosquito Flutuante, 2021
aço, tela mosquiteiro, tela de proteção, linha de algodão, lã, miçangas e ardósia
[steel, mosquito net, protective cloth, cotton thread, wool, beads and slate]
[steel, mosquito net, protective cloth, cotton thread, wool, beads and slate]
165 x 150 x 5 cm
[65 x 59 1/8 x 2 in]
[65 x 59 1/8 x 2 in]
Copyright O Artista
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A série Pagode foi criada durante a pesquisa para a caminhada silenciosa n°16, na região portuária do Rio de janeiro em julho de 2014. Até então, os detritos de demolição...
A série Pagode foi criada durante a pesquisa para a caminhada silenciosa n°16, na região portuária do Rio de janeiro em julho de 2014. Até então, os detritos de demolição do viaduto estavam sendo lentamente removidos da área principal da Gamboa e centenas de buracos foram abertos no chão para a instalação do novo esgoto e dos sistemas de energia. Os buracos eram isolados para a segurança dos pedestres como redes laranjas e azuis. Restos do material foram usados para construir esses objetos, depois eles passaram por um processo de tecelagem negativa no qual se pica partes da trama para criar desenhos, camadas sobrepostas e partes soltas. "Pagodes" e desenhos de sua pesquisa mais recente chamada de "Santuário do Mosquito", que reúne bordados, desenhos de carvão, sépia e lápis de cor retratando a cópula de mosquitos, as ondas sonoras de seu incômodo ruído.
The Pagode series was created during the research for Silent Walk #16 in the Rio de Janeiro port region in July 2014. Until then, viaduct demolition debris was being slowly removed from the main area of Gamboa and hundreds of potholes were opened in the ground for the installation of new sewer and power systems. The holes were insulated for pedestrian safety with orange and blue nets. Remains of material were used to construct these objects, then they went through a negative weaving process in which parts of the weft are chopped up to create designs, overlapping layers and loose parts. "Pagodes" and drawings from his most recent research called "Sanctuary of the Mosquito", which brings together embroidery, charcoal drawings, sepia and colored pencils depicting the copulation of mosquitoes, the sound waves of their uncomfortable noise.
The Pagode series was created during the research for Silent Walk #16 in the Rio de Janeiro port region in July 2014. Until then, viaduct demolition debris was being slowly removed from the main area of Gamboa and hundreds of potholes were opened in the ground for the installation of new sewer and power systems. The holes were insulated for pedestrian safety with orange and blue nets. Remains of material were used to construct these objects, then they went through a negative weaving process in which parts of the weft are chopped up to create designs, overlapping layers and loose parts. "Pagodes" and drawings from his most recent research called "Sanctuary of the Mosquito", which brings together embroidery, charcoal drawings, sepia and colored pencils depicting the copulation of mosquitoes, the sound waves of their uncomfortable noise.