Ana Silva
Sem título [Untitled], 2024
bordados e pigmentos naturais sobre crinolina
[embroidery and natural pigments on crinoline]
[embroidery and natural pigments on crinoline]
265 x 165 cm
[104 3/8 x 65 in]
[104 3/8 x 65 in]
Copyright O Artista
A criatividade de Ana Silva expressa-se na pluralidade dos seus materiais. Lona, madeira, metal, acrílico ou tecido são os elementos que a rodeiam e as formas da sua arte. Durante...
A criatividade de Ana Silva expressa-se na pluralidade dos seus materiais. Lona, madeira, metal, acrílico ou tecido são os elementos que a rodeiam e as formas da sua arte. Durante os seus passeios pelos mercados de Luanda, ela distorce o uso primário de sacos de ráfia e guardanapos para construir um trabalho de memória. De objetos abandonados a objetos revividos: “Não consigo separar o meu trabalho da minha experiência em Angola, em um momento em que o acesso aos materiais era difícil devido à guerra de independência e à guerra civil. Minha criatividade nasceu da exploração do meu ambiente imediato. Esta experiência teve um grande impacto na minha forma de trabalhar e na minha vida em geral."
[Ana Silva's creativity is expressed by the plurality of her materials. Canvas, wood, metal, acrylic or fabric are the elements that surround her and the forms of her art. During her walks in the markets of Luanda, she distorts the primary use of raffia bags or other doilies to a memory work. From abandoned objects to relived objects: “I cannot separate my work from my experience in Angola, at a time when access to materials was difficult as a result of the war of independence and the civil war. My creativity was born from the exploration of my immediate environment. This experience had a major impact on my way of working, and my life more generally."]
[Ana Silva's creativity is expressed by the plurality of her materials. Canvas, wood, metal, acrylic or fabric are the elements that surround her and the forms of her art. During her walks in the markets of Luanda, she distorts the primary use of raffia bags or other doilies to a memory work. From abandoned objects to relived objects: “I cannot separate my work from my experience in Angola, at a time when access to materials was difficult as a result of the war of independence and the civil war. My creativity was born from the exploration of my immediate environment. This experience had a major impact on my way of working, and my life more generally."]