Agrade Camíz
Lapas, 2022
acrílica, pastel oleoso e marcadores sobre tela
[acrylic, oil pastel and markers on canvas]
[acrylic, oil pastel and markers on canvas]
160 x 130 x 3.5 cm
[63 x 51 1/8 x 1 3/8 in]
7.5 kg
[63 x 51 1/8 x 1 3/8 in]
7.5 kg
Mais imagens
''Lapas' traz, em suas camadas, registros e olhares do nordeste brasileiro. Acrescento relações entre a estrutura arquitetônica urbana e os corpos que a habitam. Como na tela 'Ensolarada', neste trabalho...
"'Lapas' traz, em suas camadas, registros e olhares do nordeste brasileiro. Acrescento relações entre a estrutura arquitetônica urbana e os corpos que a habitam. Como na tela "Ensolarada", neste trabalho procuro organizar sobreposições de formas representacionais e abstratas em projeções pictóricas marcadas por gestos que desvendam o seu próprio fazer. Uma reunião popular, talvez até um pouco clichê, como chamar bunda de Lapa - Pop Brazil. Pintura regional carioca. Para o bairro que é minha atual casa, não poderia faltar homenagem." - Agrade Camiz
["'Lapas' brings, in its layers, records and views of the Brazilian northeast. I add relationships between the urban architectural structure and the bodies that inhabit it. As in the canvas "Ensolarada", in this work I try to organize superpositions of representational and abstract forms in paintings marked by gestures that reveal their own making. A popular meeting, maybe even a little cliché, like calling butts Lapa - Pop Brazil. Regional carioca painting. The neighborhood that is my current home could not go without tribute." - Agrade Camiz]
["'Lapas' brings, in its layers, records and views of the Brazilian northeast. I add relationships between the urban architectural structure and the bodies that inhabit it. As in the canvas "Ensolarada", in this work I try to organize superpositions of representational and abstract forms in paintings marked by gestures that reveal their own making. A popular meeting, maybe even a little cliché, like calling butts Lapa - Pop Brazil. Regional carioca painting. The neighborhood that is my current home could not go without tribute." - Agrade Camiz]